Featured Reviews

Below are several recent featured reviews.
If you would like to submit a review for consideration as a featured review, please send email to Thomas Sewell. Please note that we do not accept new submissions of self-published memoirs or autobiographical works.

If you would like to send a review copy of a book in order to have it featured, you may send it to:

Thomas Sewell
Reviews - Books Under Review
1951 W. 90 South
Cedar City, UT 84720

All featured reviews are copyright Thomas Sewell. If you would like to quote a featured review, you may as long as you attribute the review with a reference (a link if online) to the page it is found on this site or the home page of this site.

Thank you for your support,

Thomas Sewell

Barnett - Restoring the Lost Constitution : The Presumption of Liberty

Watts and Winston - What Color is a Conservative?

McMullen - The Miocene Arrow and Eyes of the Calculor

Clarke and Baxter - The Light of Other Days

Coe - Winds of the Forelands Tetrology

David - Knight Life

Ford - Growing Up Weightless

Frank - One Market

MacDonald - Ludlum

Saberhagen - Empire of the East

Rada - Canawlers

Heinlein - For Us, The Living: A Comedy of Customs

Perkins - The Economy Of Colonial America

Kellogg - A View From Beyond The Path

Pratchett - Monstrous Regiment

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